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Make Better Student Placement Decisions with Class Composer

Last month I had the chance to connect with the team at Class Composer. They are a software service led by a former elementary school teacher in Colorado. It is to help elementary schools create balanced classes efficiently and make better student placement decisions. Class Composer is for elementary schools to create positive learning environments. You can easily place students in the class that is just right for them.

Deciding which child will be in which teacher’s class in an upcoming school year is a challenging task. Class Composer is designed to eliminate the cumbersome process of sorting students manually into different classes for the next school year. Instead of manually sorting a series of index cards with information on gender, academic needs, and placement requests this tool uses the same data to create a set of classes where students are placed in the perfect spot before the school year starts. Teachers can then click and drag students into other classes to fine-tune student placement with real time data updates.

Make Better Student Placement Decisions

Class Composer is a customizable platform that lets schools track and account for their own unique identifiers (ELL, GT, IEP, etc.) when creating classes. Technology tools can make the systems in a school building operate more efficiently and the folks at Class Composer have worked to make the process of placing students in the “just right” class easier than ever. They offer a free grade-level trial. You’ll also see if the subscriptions for both the school-level and district-level.

Learn more about Class Composer by visiting their website!

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Blog Author and EdTech Consultant Dr. Monica Burns

Monica Burns

Dr. Monica Burns is a former classroom teacher, Author, Speaker, and Curriculum & EdTech Consultant. Visit her site for more ideas on how to become a tech-savvy teacher.

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