QR Code Lessons and ACES Framework
Looking for more QR code lessons? Try these ideas and QR code tricks for your classroom during your next lesson.
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Looking for more QR code lessons? Try these ideas and QR code tricks for your classroom during your next lesson.
I’m beyond excited to share with you my augmented reality and QR code book for Corwin Publishing, Deeper Learning with QR
Looking for QR Code Mother’s Day Activities? Scanova is a QR Code app for teachers. They have a set of engaging classroom
On the blog, I often share some of the reasons that I love Google Forms. Including how they can be
Scannable technology can be a powerful way for teachers to put content in the hands of their students. This includes
If you’re a regular reader of ClassTechTips.com you know how much I love scannable technology! I’ve had the opportunity this past
The App Store is full of QR code readers – most of which are free. My go-to QR code scanner
There are lots of ways to distribute QR codes to students – combining Foldify and QR codes is one of my
EdTech tips and resources for educators, straight from Monica’s desk every Monday. Don’t miss a thing.