TenMarks math platform helps teachers individualize math instruction for their elementary and middle school students. It saves educators time preparing lessons. This tool can reinforce concepts to improve student outcomes. It also lets teachers differentiate as a result of o student need. All of this happens while boosting student engagement and motivation.
TenMarks Math Platform
TenMarks Math and TenMarks Teach supports teachers as they work to meet the learning needs of every student through small group and data driven instruction.
In preparation for back-to-school, TenMarks has streamlined and improved both the teacher and student experiences. There are tutorials for teachers new to TenMarks, and pacing guides that help educators connect TenMarks assignments to their curriculum. Students now have self-paced learning options with a point-based incentive system. They’ll receive immediate feedback as they work through math problems.
With both free and premium solutions you’ll want to check out what TenMarks can bring to your students!