Standards Planner is an online teacher and district content organizer. I first shared this tool earlier this year. They are now partnering with Clever to bridge the gap between instruction and ease of use. With Clever’s Instant Login, districts and teachers can quickly jump into building and organizing their content with one click.
Standards Planner
If you are a district administrator looking to push the blended learning or flipped classroom model, you can easily get your teachers setup for free, and even pilot Standards Planner to get ready for next school year. They include professional development to help districts stay organized. So if you are looking for a new tool you will certainly want to check them out.
All individual accounts are free with full use of the software. You can take advantage of this organizational tool by visiting Standards Planner’s website to signup and begin planning!
I have lots of resources to share with you! Head over to the blog page to see new posts!