The folks at Kiddom reached out to me this year to spread the word about a new free resource they have for school leaders. Kiddom has created a guide for school and district administrators all about change management. They’ve put together this resource to help school and district leaders lead the charge for change this school year.
I love free resources that provide actionable information for educators. This guide for school and district administrators gives educators information on how to be agents of change in their schools!
Kiddom Academy for Schools and Districts
If you haven’t heard of Kiddom before, it’s a powerful online tool for teachers. Kiddom Academy helps schools and districts stay organized. It lets you monitor and take action on school-wide trends to promote student achievement across grade levels and subject areas. Schools and districts can also use Kiddom Academy to help differentiate instruction for students and manage curriculum.
With this tool teachers, instructional coaches and school leaders can design and deploy curriculum. It gives users throughout your school and district different levels of access and collaborate together. Teachers can co-plan curriculum and track progress with their team. In addition to these features, Kiddom Academy also gives stakeholders insights tailored just to them. This means that students, parents, teachers, and administrators can all head over to Kiddom Academy to get the information they need – in real time.
Lesson Planning Tools for Teachers
Kiddom also has a variety of tools for teachers. Teachers can use Kiddom to create curriculum and write lessons for their classroom. They can use this tool to share assignments and grade student work all in one place. Teachers can make sure that students have the resources that they need with easy access to materials. The Teacher Dashboard also gives them access to information on student achievement.
Change Management Guide
The team at Kiddom know how important it is to set up schools and districts for success throughout the school year. They’ve put together a Change Management Guide for school and district administrators. In this special guide from the folks at Kiddom, you’ll learn how to tackle change management at your school.
This free guide covers a handful of topics including:
- First, how to create a sense of urgency and build a coalition
- Then, how to form and communicate your strategic vision
- Finally, how to enable action by removing barriers and institute change
This free resource is ready for you to download. Visit this page to request your own copy of this guide!