Teach empathy skills with this interactive iPad and Android app from RedRover. The team at RedRover has launched a new app for mobile devices geared towards elementary school students. The Restricted Adventures of Raja is a graphic novel app that gives students the chance to interact with the story and learn empathy skills. In this story students help animal and people who are in trouble all around the world.
Teach Empathy Skills
The video below shows the The Restricted Adventures of Raja app in action. You can also get a feel for the app by checking out the screenshots in the app store. Both app stores links are at the bottom of this post. The Restricted Adventures of Raja is certainly a great choice for exploring empathy with students.
The Restricted Adventures of Raja app is available in English and Spanish. It connects to the curriculum in the RedRover Readers program. There are also questions embedded in the story that are perfect for prompting a discussion or pushing student thinking around empathy. Teaching empathy skills is much easier in the context of stories and real world situations.
Check out The Restricted Adventures of Raja app on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store!