There are different resources online to help students master key concepts and find answers to their questions. GradeSlam offers 24/7 private, on-demand online tutoring to students. Kids can get help on any subject area in grades K-12. It’s a great option for families who are looking for an affordable tutoring option. Especially those who aren’t ready to commit to weekly sessions. GradeSlam also lets users decide how much time they want to spend working on a particular task or subject area.
Online Tutoring
With more virtual options for families, GradeSlam could be the right choice for students who need extra support every once and awhile or help from a teacher on a regular basis. Tutors at GradeSlam pass background checks and are certified to teach the the material that they cover with students. GradeSlam’s on-demand service costs $25/hr, billed by the minute, but you can get a $20 credit with the promo code “CLASSTECHTIPS.”
Visit GradeSlam’s website to learn more!