Want to take a field trip to outer space? Intergalactic travel is still out of reach for most teachers scheduling school year field trips. If you are looking to introduce students to the solar system or take their study to the next level, you’ll want to check out the Solar System App from Touchpress. This fantastic app presents lots of useful information and easy to read graphics all about the solar system.
When you open Solar System you’ll find interactive 3D objects, movie clips and high-quality images. This universe resource also includes animations and diagrams full of useful, interesting information about the solar system. Even if this app is only on a few iPads in your classroom it’s well worth the cost.
Solar System App
How might you use the Solar System App in your classroom?
In partners, ask students to go on a vocabulary scavenger hunt. You might asks students to find words that are new to them, decide which ten words are essential to understanding the solar system, or you may have handpicked words you want them to investigate.
- Ask students to find an image that makes them wonder. Have students take a screenshot from within the app. They can use a screencasting tool like Explain Everything, or the voice recording function in Seesaw to record their lingering questions.
- Use this Solar System app as inspiration for a student-created informational video. After exploring the app, let students research additional facts to create a video focusing on one planet. A moviemaking tool like Adobe Voice is a great option for this final project.
I love apps that can be tailored to a variety of tasks. Students can consume, interact, and create content inspired by this powerful Solar System App!
Share your ideas or experiences in the comments section below!