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Standards Planner Online Tool For Teachers

Standards Planner is a lesson planner tool for teachers that allows them to search through thousands of free resources such as Khan Academy, CK12 Flexbooks, and even their own Google Drive.  Teachers can create, upload, and convert lessons, videos, and instructional material.  With Standards Planner users can align their plans to all 50 state and national standards including the Common Core.  This Standards Planner online tool even lets teachers collaborate with colleagues to build units together.

Planner Online Tool

unnamed-1This web tool gives teachers lots of extra options like subject calendaring and the ability to create pacing charts. Standards Planner users can schedules when they will teach specific assignments.  Districts that sign up for Standards Planner can bundle features to fit the software to the needs of their schools.

Learn more about Standards Planner by visiting their website!

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Blog Author and EdTech Consultant Dr. Monica Burns

Monica Burns

Dr. Monica Burns is a former classroom teacher, Author, Speaker, and Curriculum & EdTech Consultant. Visit her site for more ideas on how to become a tech-savvy teacher.

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