Looking for support with 3D printing in your classroom? Makers Empire 3D has lots of 3D printing education resources for teachers. If you’re a K-8 educator starting with 3D printing in education you’ll want to check out Makers Empire 3D. They’ve also worked with thousands of teachers and students across the world to make 3D printing meaningful in classrooms.
3D Printing in Education
Makers Empire 3D includes a 3D learning program and a 3D Learning by Design Course for teachers. The design course is a 20-hour hybrid professional development. It is designed to help educators learn how to understand and apply design thinking principles to improve student learning outcomes. It can help teachers develop effective pedagogies for integrating 3D design and printing across the curriculum making it a great choice for a variety of folks at your school or district. This could include K-8 educators wanting to learn how to integrate 3D printing and design like: school principals, school leaders, classroom teachers, design teachers, technology teachers, art teachers, or school librarians.
Resources from Makers Empire 3D
I’m a huge believer in the power of 3D printing in the classroom when it connects to problem solving and learning goals. The video below shows 3D printing in action with an overview of an activity completed by elementary school students. They identified a problem, determined how to fix the problem, and printed the solution!
What I think is most important when you’re looking to bring 3D printing to your school is how it can elevate student collaboration, curiosity, and creation. Giving students opportunities to problem solve and work together is essential across the grade levels. These content-rich learning experiences are also important components of the school day. It’s exciting to see the growth and potential of 3D printing in education.
Learn more about Makers Empire 3D by visiting their website!